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The BriGRETE project held its first in-person meeting at the Demokritos premises in Athens, Greece, on the 9th and 10th of July, marking a major milestone for the consortium. Participants from across Europe convened to assess the project’s progress and outline future plans. The meeting fostered a spirit of collaboration, blending both in-person and online participation, ensuring that all consortium members, regardless of location, could contribute to the discussions. This hybrid format facilitated a rich exchange of ideas, enhancing the consortium’s collective approach.


Key discussions focused on advancing BriGRETE’s objectives, with consortium members sharing valuable insights, assessing current achievements, and strategizing the next phases of the project. The event provided an excellent opportunity for team building and strengthened the consortium’s commitment to research integrity and innovation. Overall, the meeting was highly productive and inspiring, laying a strong foundation for the continued success of BriGRETE in the coming months.

We invited the CHANGER project to give a presentation during our 1st in person project meeting, which was held on 9 and 10 July 2024, at NCSR Demokritos premises, in Athens.

More specifically, CHANGER’s Deputy Coordinator, Vicky Mollaki, presented the project, its vision, objections and work packages, while exploring possible points of collaboration.

About the CHANGER project: CHAllenges and innovative chaNGes in research Ethics Reviews (CHANGER) is a three-year Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon WIDERA programme aiming to promote changes in research ethics reviews by strengthening the capacities of researchers to incorporate ethical judgements in the project design and implementation, and by supporting capacity building of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) to address new challenges posed by new technologies and new research practices.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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